
Monday, 23 July 2012

Candle Light

It only takes a spark to get a fire going, that's how it is with Huckins love once you've experienced it.

At the end of every session camp has candle light. Candle light is a traditional none denominational ceremony were campers and staff all get together and reflect on their time at camp.  It is held at nightfall with all the camper arriving in their pyjamas.  The ceremony begins with the everyone sat in the dark with just the glow from the moon, Jody (the camp director) leads the ceremony reflecting on time that session.  During the ceremony a single candle is lit. From that single candle the staff and campers candles are lit, slowly the dark of the woods becomes bright with the glow of candles. 

At the end of the ceremony the campers slowly walk back to their cabins with their counsellors. The program staff are left behind and we stand in a circle and think of a time from that session that has meant something to us and share with everyone else.
I love candle light, it is truly one of the magical moments of camp.
Katie .x.x

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