
Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Whats going on with me!

I have realised over the last couple of days I have not kept you all very well informed of what I am doing job/ life wise. 

I am currently still working at the Wellesley Hotel that I started at in Nov last year. I know, I know still?? I ended up being here far longer than I ever intended. I got promoted in Dec to functions manager/supervisor and ended up doing crazy hours and became lazy at applying for teaching jobs. Then life in general took over and it was March before I knew it.  As I said I stayed longer than originally intended but I have made some amazing friends and learnt allot. It has done wonders for my confidence talking to new people every day and also having to tell people what to do, haha. I have however just handed in my notice this week and shall be leaving at the beginning of May. I felt like my time had come for me to move on and find a new challenge. I was also missing doing what I loved and that is working with young people and working on my art.

When deciding what to do next I did a lot of deliberating and too be honest I felt slightly in limbo. Did I want to stay in New Zealand? Did I want to go home? Or try a new country?  What did I want to do job wise?

Camp Huckins 2005
When I was 18 and 19 I spent two summers at a camp in America. For years I have wanted to go back, but other adventures have got in the way. I decided back in Feb to ask them if they wanted me back for this summer. I figured this was the perfect opportunity as I am not tied down at the moment. It would give me the opportunity to go back and see old friends and work with children again; which I have really missed whilst being at the Wellesley. They said they would love to have me back. Since I said I wanted to go back, I have had moments where I have thought is this the right thing to do? I think it is; I have wanted to go back for five years. I also feel going back that little bit older than last time will allow me to appreciate and want to see more of America. I will follow the crowd less and do my own thing.

So what happens next?  On the 7th May I leave the Wellesley and Wellington. I shall do a bit of traveling around New Zealand; money and weather depending (as we are now about to hit winter) Then a flying visit to Melbourne to see an old friend who has just had a baby.  Then continue onto states on June 10th for a summer at Camp Huckins in New Hampshire.

I shall then be heading over to the UK for a couple of weeks at the beginning of Sept. (So get ready for a visit, all you guys at home) And then back to New Zealand, this time working in the field of education and art. 

It looks like I am truly living up to the reputation I was given when in my first year of University and that is 'of the girl who never comes home'. 

So keep reading to find out what happens on this next stage of my adventure. 

Katie x.x 

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