
Thursday, 19 January 2012

Bad hair day.

 For the last two months I have had awful hair. I have been in dire need of going to the hairdressers and having it neatened up. Six months before I came away I started bleaching my hair. This was fine when in the UK and I could afford to have it done every five weeks but since I have been here I have got lazy and also not wanted to part with my money (cheapskate that I am)
Well this all changed yesterday.
I decided enough was enough no more moaning about my roots and lack of style to my hair time to do something about it. After a week of looking around yesterday I went to the hairdressers and sorted myself out. I decided to go back as close as possible to my natural colour (dark blonde, so I'm told) as I figure that would be easier whilst on the move. The sun has also damaged my hair allot whilst being here because it was bleached, so fingers crossed by going darker this will be better for my hair.
My first trip to a New Zealand hairdressers went well, I chose a hairdressers in Hataitai near my house. Figuring I could look no worse than I did already. The hairdresser was lovely and was able to understand through my ramblings what I wanted and managed to get my hair back to a decent colour considering the damage I had created. There is only him in the salon so you get a very personal experience and for New Zealand prices I did not think he was too bad.


Blonde and coming up with creative ways to hide the roots.

After and $200 lighter. 

Thank you Mr hairdresser, I will defiantly be back. 

Katie x.x.