
Sunday, 11 December 2011

75 hrs

Awful photo, but me at work.
Sorry everyone for not posting this week I have had a mamouth 75 hr working week, I have been taking advatage of getting as many hours as possible before the work dries up over Christmas. 

I am finding the work easier now I have got used to being on my feet again for so long.  I don't seem to moan as much which is good. 

The people I am working with are lovely and I have been out with them a couple of times now.  Which is nice after being at work for hours, getting chance to unwind before it all starts again the next day :)

I will take some photos next week of the hotel I am working at. It is a lovely old building, very small and quaint.

1 comment:

  1. look rather dashing there at work miss briggs!
    don't work too hard! xx
