
Sunday, 23 October 2011

Week two - Wellington

Hello everyone this is another long entry. I am missing quite a bit out this week and it jumps around a lot sorry, I think I need to update more than once a week I always have so much to say and forget what I want to tell you all.
Sunday 16th - Saturday 22nd

I cant believe that two weeks have whizzed by already.
It has been a week of ups and downs this week. I have had moments of pure panic thinking argh what the hell have I done, and other moments that I am so excited to be here.

I arrived in Wellington from Auckland on the Saturday evening at 8.00pm tired, grimy and in pain after falling up a set steps getting into the train. Note to self don't be clumsy and never take co-codamol again as I was like a zombie when arriving in Wellington all I wanted was my bed.

I cheated on getting to my hostel and got a taxi. I was being lazy I know, but hey once in a while is ok. I arrived with the receptionist being completely off his head, the next day he did not even remember checking me in. hmmm. I had decided to stay at this particular hostel as it was a smaller hostel and reviews said it had a lot of long timers so I figured I could get some tips. Well I was wrong none of the long timers wanted to talk to new people everyone was in groups and all people wanted to do was watch TV. Luckily I met a nice English girl, Sarah, on my second day who was on a three month trip and also getting ignored by everyone else so we escaped and went to watch the New Zealand Australia match.

My first full day in Wellington I did what I like to do in any new city and that’s walk around and get my bearings. I also wanted to see if I felt comfortable here and would I want to make it my base for a few months. Before moving out here I had been reading about the cities in new Zealand and where is best to live. I had originally chosen Wellington as it sounded like a very arty city, and had a very young vibe about it. Then I had decided Auckland as it is the biggest city and figured I would find work easier, after visiting the two cities I have chosen Wellington. I am completely in love with this city all ready. It is small enough to walk around, it has really cute cafés and bars , amazing scenery it is a truly stunning city. 

Relaxing and enjoying the sunshine.
Parliment Building
Wellington reminds me very much of Bristol in the UK. I lived in Bristol for six years and loved the city being very sad when I left last year. So its great to find a new fun city that reminds me a little of home :) on that first Saturday the sun came out making the city look even more beautiful and boosting my mood. I particularly enjoyed walking down to the harbour and finding a farmers market. Enjoying a yummy venison burger and soaking in some vitamin D. When arriving back in the city in the evening I met Sarah who was really into the Rugby so we headed down to Wellington's fan zone. I am really getting into the rugby whilst here, which is a much as shock to me as I am sure it is to everyone else. So even thought the hostel made me feel uncomfortable I had a great first day getting to know my new home.

This building is made from wood, it really looks like it is made from stone.I find the oddest  things facinating at times.

I left the hostel after three nights not really having a plan, just knowing I wanted to leave having still been ignored for the majority of my time. I dressed fairly smart and decided to give it a try finding a job and had some success. I signed up with some agencies and actually did well on all the tests that they made me do. I was in one agency for five hours. Scoring 100% on the power-point test which the lady who interviewed had never seen before . It was common sense on the most part so did not really understand the fuss. I also have the option of working in a café in three weeks if I want it.

Whilst looking for work I found a new hostel which is a lot bigger than the other one. It was an old hotel so all the rooms have bathrooms and are really nice and light. It has a large communal area which is good, if you want to talk to people there are plenty of people to do so and if not then people don't look like they are judging you and are happy to leave you alone. If anyone ever comes to New Zealand I would recommend this city for the cheap rooms and amazing communal kitchen plus the fact it is so close to the train station and ferries.

Whilst in the hostel I have met some lovely people who boosted my morale and have had a great time exploring the city with them. Clara ( a German girl) and Kris (American lady) I met other people along the way as well but they will stick in my mind for my first week in Wellington.

As I had decided to make Wellington my base I thought it best to get out of hostels and find my own place, mainly to make it cheaper. But also it will be nice to meet people who live and work in the city and stop living out of my backpack. I went house hunting on Wednesday and Thursday Looking at around eight different places in the city. This was a great opportunity to see the city and get my bearings a little bit more. I saw some good and bad places and became aware of what to look for. Because Wellington is nestled in hills you have to make sure the house gets enough light, it doesn't smell damp and the house has some form of heating as many don’t have any and just a wood burning fire in the living room. One house in particular I was happy to get out of particularly when he said one of the conditions of living there was playing dungeons and dragons once a week. I thought he was joking, but when I laughed he looked highly offended wooops.

My new house is somewhere around here.

On Thursday I found the perfect place. It is in an area called Hatatai about a 25 min walk to the centre of Wellington and a 10min walk to the beach. It is a house with five other people a Kiwi couple another Kiwi guy an English guy and a Dutch guy. I met two of them and the guy who'd room I will be taking over from they all seemed very friendly. They are all between 25 and 30 and the house just seemed a really happy house. The lease is till mid February so that puts me here till then. I move in on Friday 28th October.

I have decided this week that I am old! On the Thursday and Friday nights I sampled Wellington’s night life. Oh boy did I suffer after, not even drinking very much. :s So much so that I opted to go to the cinema on the Saturday night so I felt like I was out but would not be tempted to drink. Both nights were good fun. Meeting lot's of people on the way. I have heard in new Zealand there is a shortage of women and I kinda get this impression the men are certainly not backwards in coming forwards. After a couple of evil glares from me and looks of boredom I think the guys got the impression I was not interested :) Friday night also resulted in me thinking I could speak French which I really can not do. Unless it is a gift I never knew I had.

Spring time in the Bontanic Gardens
On Friday Clara and I became tourists again and went on the cable car up to the Botanic gardens and walked our way back down to the city. A must do for anyone coming to the city. You could get lost in the gardens, which we did a number of times.

The cable car up to the Bontic gardens.

A little odd to have a graveyard on here, but at the bottom of the gardens is this old grave site that over half of had to be dug up for the motorway. :(

Saturday was another gorgeous spring day and I spent it very content exploring the harbour-side finding a very cute craft market which I will have fun visiting over the next couple of months. Followed by a lovely evening at the cinema.



Till next time.

Katie .x.x

1 comment:

  1. Some very good 'Arty' photo's. Wellington looks very interesting, you could offer the script to the Tourist Board.
